Lizanne Laurin

Lizanne Laurin
Photographer / Stylist/ Artist

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Loving My 40's

Never would have thought I would love my 40's.

If you had asked me when I was 20 I would have said
"40 is old".
Man was I wrong!
There is something about this stage that has enabled me to live my best life. I've changed my value system to be about what makes my heart sing and about inspiration.

These are some that illicit this for me.

It would have been pretty surprising to my 20 year old self that I would chose to start a band, join the circus and move in with the folks at 40........but that's the BEAUTY of can't predict it.
You just have to LIVE it.

I've stopped beating myself up for what I cannot change. I've became more resolved in gratefulness, and I'm smarter when undertaking something new.

That's a genuine smile you see there. I'm happy.
That's the thing that beauty is made of.

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